
Water quality tips

Water quality impacts equipment performance and maintenance—not to mention the taste of beverages and foods. No matter what role you […]


National Motor Freight Transportation Association

Commodity classification standards board (CCSB) The transportation industry is responding to reduced capacity in two ways, both of which are […]


Environment Canada proposes regulatory measures on hydrofluorocarbons

NAFEM members who manufacture or sell commercial refrigeration equipment in Canada would be required to reduce the use of hydrofluorocarbons […]


National Motor Freight Transportation Association (NMFTA) initiates major damage claim

On April 18, the National Motor Freight Classification (NMFC) guidelines introduced a major change to the concealed damage claim rule. […]


Campaign against union “card check” bill making headway – NAFEM members again urged to call, write congress

This bill, better called “card check” legislation, would replace current law that requires a secret ballot before a union is […]


Congressional small business committee supports action on “business activity” taxes

This bipartisan action, somewhat uncommon in an election year, is a welcome development. Legislation to make clear that states cannot […]


NAFEM campaigns to rein in state “business activity” taxes

Bills to clarify that states can impose these “business activity” taxes – essentially a form of income tac – only […]


New congress moving on several trade issues

The House Ways & Means Committee has asked the Department of Commerce (DOC) to delay an action that would change […]


WEEE/RoHS reminder

Manufacturers seeking more information can contact the U.S. Department of Commerce’s (DOC) contact in Brussels, Rosemary Gallant ( In addition, […]


Congress moving to head off proliferation of state business activity taxes

Over the summer, all NAFEM members were urged to write their congressional representatives in support of the full house vote […]
