Amplifying Members’ Voices
NAFEM regularly joins forces with other organizations to advance the industry’s perspective with elected and appointed officials. Highlights of recent outreach follow.
- The Complex Products Manufacturers Coalition, of which NAFEM is a member, provided input to the Maine Department of Environmental Protection tasked with implementing the state’s PFAS regulations. The Coalition expressed appreciation for the dialogue with Maine officials and requested:

- A risk-based approach to regulations that avoids class-wide targets and is based on sound science.
- Adequate time and notice to implement regulations.
- Focused reporting on PFAS producers.
- Product bans as a last resort.
- NAFEM and more than 100 other associations wrote to House Speaker Mike Johnson in support of H.R. 9278 that would delay the year-end compliance deadline for the Corporate Transparency Act. The Act would require businesses with revenue under $5 million and 20 or fewer employees to report beneficial ownership.
- NAFEM joined the Pacific Merchant Shipping Association and a broad coalition of 100+ stakeholders in requesting that California mayors in Long Beach and Los Angeles strongly oppose a Port Indirect Source Rule (ISR) created by the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) that would require a move to a zero emissions model at the ports of LA and Long Beach. “If the rule is imposed, it will lead to unattainable and inflexible emissions and cargo caps, which will have a very negative effect on jobs, the economy in Southern California, and the global supply chain…Simply put, the planning, permitting and development of new infrastructure needs to occur before regulators require the new infrastructure and equipment to be used.” More information is available at the link above.