Amplifying members’ voices
NAFEM regularly joins forces with other organizations to advance the industry’s perspective with elected and appointed officials. Highlights of recent outreach follow.

- NAFEM and other members of Americans for Free Trade asked the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) to extend the June 28 deadline for submitting comments on proposed modifications to the Section 301 China tariffs by at least another 30 days to allow members to gather the necessary information. The group also requested that USTR organize a public hearing to allow stakeholders an opportunity to present their views directly to the administration.
- NAFEM joined 40 other associations in advocating for HR 8204, the Regulatory Early Notice and Engagement Act, which would require federal agencies to provide information on their websites and to Congress one week after initiating new rulemaking activities. Required information would include the problem the rule is intended to address and whether the agency looked at alternatives to regulation. The public also would be invited to recommend how to accomplish the objectives of the proposed rule most effectively and at the least cost. “HR 8204 can help restore accountability through more vigorous congressional oversight of federal agencies.”