July ’23 at-a-glance … energy

NAFEM comments on proposed DOE standards

In its comments to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) on proposed energy-conservation standards for automatic commercial ice makers (ACIM), NAFEM requested a  no-new standard and greater transparency into how the agency arrived at its recommendation. For example, the regulation is supposed to cover ACIM, but 52% of the proposed rulemaking addresses portable icemakers producing less than 50 pounds that must be refilled manually every 12 hours. These are neither commercial nor automatic products. “DOE’s analysis, justifications, and proposed efficiency levels for automatic commercial ice makers are being driven by products that have no commercial purpose,” said Charlie Souhrada, CFSP, NAFEM vice president regulatory and technical affairs. “For this reason and others, NAFEM has asked the DOE to remove portable ice makers from this NOPR and issue a “no-new standard.”

Other energy-standard updates

As a reminder:

DOE grants support more energy efficient buildings

DOE awarded $90 million to help states, cities, tribes, and partnering organizations implement updated energy codes for buildings. The awards support 27 projects across 26 states and the District of Columbia to ensure buildings meet the latest energy-efficiency standards. Awardees will provide technical assistance for updating state and local building codes across the country. Modernizing energy codes is one of the ways the Biden administration intends to improve energy efficiency in homes and businesses.