Amplifying members’ voices

NAFEM regularly joins forces with other organizations to advance the industry’s perspective with elected and appointed officials. Highlights of recent outreach follow:
NAFEM joined 70 trade organizations in opposing additional taxes on small, medium sized businesses outlined in the President’s proposed budget. “The president’s budget would raise the top rates paid by pass-through businesses and corporations alike, increase the Net Investment Income Tax and expand it to cover the active business income of pass-through business owners, make permanent the harmful loss limitation rules, make it harder for family-owned businesses to survive from one generation to the next by gutting the existing grantor trust rules, nearly double the tax rate on capital gains, and impose a new minimum tax on larger family businesses that appears to redefine how income is measured. The combination of these policies would raise top tax rates on these businesses to close to 50%, both on their operating profits and on any gain when they sell the company.”